Wednesday, November 3, 2010

What A Beautiful Crisp Autumn Day!

My son let me sleep in today, then he crawled into my bed and we laid there for a long time. He is trying to learn how to say the parts of the face. He has eyes down really well, but he said eees for ears. Then mouth and nose I only know that those are the words because he points to what he is talking about when he says it.

Its been a very lazy Wednesday. I cleaned the living room, without much help from my little bug. I told him he could have the television back on if he helped me clean the toys up. He put three crayons back in the box and sat on the couch laughing at me. Then he wanted to help vacuum but ran away every time I turned it on. He likes to be chased with it.

This new diet I am on, for the first two days you are supposed to eat a lot of really bad food, I don't know why. It could be so that your body goes into shock or something and lets you lose a lot of weight fast. I am finding it difficult to eat bad food, knowing that I am eating bad food on purpose. Though tomorrow I start in on this strict chicken and vegetable thing.

I weigh almost 70 more than my target goal weight. I want to be back to 140-150. Its funny because you don't realize how much weight you've put on once you are already overweight. Then the fact that I got my gallbladder out and wasn't really counseled on how to eat so that I didn't get super fat. I gained 40 lbs just from that! It was a bad winter last year. This one I hope will be better, full of weightloss and happiness.

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