Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Doing Better...

I feel a little better tonight than I did last night. My father had a surgery this morning to help reduce the infection so they might be able to let him keep his leg!

My manager at work made me cry, but everything was fine because I got to talk to K for an hour and a half after work. (Brief history, K is a guy I work with that I would really like to be outside of work friends with, or more than that even. Though, I'm unsure if he is with this girl L, with whom I also work. She is really nice, but they are so ambiguious about things. Then R told me that he thinks she thinks its more than it is, but K just is in it for the sex. Then, A told me that L likes R. So, in short I feel like I am in high school again trapped in liking a guy I can't have.)

Tomorrow is my day off, too bad the gas light in my car is on again. Though I have to go to the OPA and file for foodstamps again because they don't understand that since I don't have a phone they can't reach me by phone! Why not by email or mail? Who knows. Then I have to go help my dad in the hospital with facebook stuff, and financial paperwork. Also, I was going to take my little boy to the park so he could play for a bit.

It seems that the more I try to uncomplicate my life, I just get more and more busy!

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