Tuesday, November 2, 2010

On the Verge of Tears...

My father is in the hospital, and at first I was glad because they were taking care of him, and I knew he wasn't drinking too much. Though, now they are talking about how they might have to amputate his leg. Which makes me extremely sad. He was always this strong tall man, and in the last five years I have learned that he isn't who I thought he was and that he is a really sensitive person. He doesn't show it, but I know he is.

I have to work today, yesterday was chaos and I left feeling like I needed to take a nap! Then I went straight to the hospital and from there I went home and did an hour of homework. I feel like I never have any time to just sit down and think. Though that's what happens when you're a single mother, going to school, working full time and are just a generally really family oriented person.

At least today is my "Friday" and I will have tomorrow to run errands and then Thursday to relax. I feel like I haven't seen my son much in the last few days and it breaks my heart every time I have to drop him off at daycare! Though, I have a lot of fun stuff planned for Thursday. We're going to go on a hike, and to the park I think.

I also started a new diet thing. Its the HCG one. I hope it works. I am so tired of being fat! I weigh the same now as I did the day I delivered my son! That is awful.

I hope that if I feel good about myself then I can start dating again. I know I don't have a lot of time for it, though sometimes I get really lonely. I just take it as, its just part of being a single parent.

I have another blog or two to update before I have to leave at ten, but I will update soon.

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