Saturday, October 30, 2010

In Need of a Cigarette...

I created this as a way to remain anonymous and to express my thoughts to the public. With hopes of receiving feedback when applicable. This is my first post and will most likely be a long one.

I will fill you in on a little about me. I am a single mother, and I work in the fast food industry. I am also attending online college and trying to figure out who I am. I had my son when I was nineteen and have never been more happy in my whole life. He is my everything and for that I am lucky. Now at twenty-two, I feel like I need to get to know myself more before I try to find someone with whom to share my life. I understand that its an uphill battle when you're a single parent. Not a lot of guys want to be with someone who has a product of their past relationship around all the time. Though, that just makes it that much easier to weed out the bad ones.

Right now, I need a cigarette, but I put my little boy down for bed an hour and a half ago and I can't just leave him in the apartment to go to the gas station. So, I am going to have to wait until the morning. I guess it is a good time to write. That helps, when I have something to focus my hands on I don't really need one as bad.

I want to write for a living. I aspire to be a published author and in to edit manuscripts for up and coming authors. I have wanted to do something involving literature since I was a small child. I used to make my sister play school with me, and my dad would have to separate us when she would stop trying to learn. Ah, those were the days. Well, the way I was raised not so much. Though this blog is too new to get into all of that.

I must get back to reading my college text, but I will most likely update sometime soon.